Surplus control
Effective surplus control is the key to optimal energi utilization and sustainability. By utilazing the surplus production from solar cells we can, for example, cool a freezer room to -25 degrees celsius, eventhough the standard temperature is -18 degrees celcius. When power is expensive, the freezer room can be turned off until the temperature reaches -18 degrees. This not only ensures energy savings but also has economic benefits.
Surplus control applications:
- Heating of the company water consumption: Use surplus energy to heat up water, which reduces costs.
- Heating water for heatpumps: Effective utilization of surplus energy for heating water for heat pumps.
- Heating up buildings: Keep your buildings heated with surplus energy.
- Temperature control in freezer rooms: Lower the temperature in the freezer room, when there is surplus energy, and raise it again when the energy prices are high.
By implemeting surplus control companies can reduce their energy consumtion and costs, while contributing to a more sustainable furute. A win-win for both the enviroment and the economy.